
The Voice Republic is an intuitive online platform we designed and developed for the voiceover industry. The website is a thriving market for voice talents and clients alike, centred upon accessibility, functionality, impressive design and a seamless user experience.

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100 performance score in Lighthouse
Designed and built by us
Routinely evaluated and tweaked for best security and performance

Talent Directory

The Voice Republic system is built around a talent directory. A filterable list of voice artists, managed through our bespoke talent management system.

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Voice Profiles

Each voice has an individual talent page, with their profile information, hosted audio demos and access to moderated contact requests.

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Management Tool

The talent directory is connected to and fully managed by our own in-house management system. Voice over agencies have full access to the data displayed on our front end for easy updates. We also offer the ability to send and manage auditions straight to the artists, drastically reducing the workload.


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